Every feature you need
to be efficient
Every feature you need
to be efficient
Analytics was built for impact investing professionals who want to stay informed and track their performance.
Market insights
Impact indexes
Fund managers directory
Funds explorer
Performance benchmarks
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Benchmark your fund against your peers and market indexes with our monthly tracking tools and over a decade of historical data on impact funds.
Analyze price performance trends of impact private debt or listed equity indexes.
Compare fund performance across time, against each other and against aggregate benchmarks, through our online database and recurring monthly data feeds.
Analyze price performance trends of impact private debt or listed equity indexes.
Compare fund performance across time, against each other and against aggregate benchmarks, through our online database and recurring monthly data feeds.
- Impact database
- 330+ fund managers
720+ private asset impact funds - Data track record
- 18-year index
15+ year survey - Insights
- 7,500+ news articles
900+ documents
Search and compare
Search and compare
Search and compare 330+ managers, and 720+ funds by multiple criteria (size, sector, geography, SDGs, etc.).
Every feature you need
to investigate
Select and compare impact investment managers, and impact funds.
Every feature you need
to investigate
Select and compare impact investment managers, impact funds.
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