Independent impact reporting and verification


impact reporting and verification
Fund Managers

Fund impact reporting

Fund impact reporting

Communicate transparently on the impact performance of your funds. Our impact reports provide an aggregate analysis of your portfolio’s impact, including ESG considerations, contribution to SDGs, market outreach and more.

  • Investment fund strategy and objectives

  • Investment output

  • Fund outreach (market outreach, investee outreach, end-client outreach)

  • Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals

  • ESG risks and adverse impacts

Sample fund impact report

Read a sample fund impact report

Sample fund impact report

Read a sample manager impact report

Sustainability disclosures

Disclose your ESG risks, climate impact and sustainability indicators in line with regulatory requirements.

Our support will enable you to better understand and comply with regulatory requirements that are relevant for private asset impact funds, such as the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). This includes identifying the relevant indicators, analyzing the data and preparing periodic disclosures.

Impact verification

Impact verification

Ensure that impact considerations are integrated throughout your investment lifecycle, building trust, and contributing to capital flows to the sector.

Tameo offers independent verification of impact management systems’ alignment with industry standards, such as the Operating Principles for Impact Management.

For those new to impact, we will guide you through the whole impact measurement & management process.

Discover our unique, data-driven verification solution for Signatories to the Impact Principles.

Sample Impact verification report

Read a sample impact verification

Orange Bond verification

Obtain Orange Bond status for your gender lens bond issuance from a qualified and approved verifier.

Tameo was among the first companies to become an approved Orange Bond verifier. This means we can offer a second party assessment of whether an issuance complies with the Orange Bond Principles™ and will conduct an external evaluation to certify the bond can be marketed to investors as an Orange Bond.

Orange Bond Principles™

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